You have sailed into
A great page about tv shows.
The Port of
A new fortress for all fans of the FIRSTseason of
Aye! Thank you for sailing into my port where many adventures are but a
few clicks away. As I said, this page is dedicated to the FIRST season of
To any fans of Bryn and of Season 2 : this
will take you to
The Ultimate List of AoS Links where you are bound to
find something to please you...
Okay, if you are still here, this means you liked the first season better... Me too. Now in this port, I intend to post various Pic Galleries, a Sound Gallery and, of course, a FANFIC Gallery. Just hang in there and soon everything should be up and running.
Now, click away crewmates and HAPPY SAILING!!

The Magnascope -- Enjoy the "view"!
Sounds of the Sea -- Hear them again and again!
The Captain's Log -- YOUR adventures....
A Surprise -- Don't you dare not click here!
Maeve 'n Sinbad Haven -- Torra's Forum
The Ghost Ship -- Sail to friendly Ports
In Rememberance -- For a lost friend

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DISCLAIMER : I do not own The Adventures of Sinbad, nor the characters. The show was created by Ed Naha and I am not too sure as of who holds the rights at this moment. No copyright infringement intended here. This page is a tribute to the great work the creators and actors have done. Now that the show has been cancelled, these little pages are the only way we the fans can remember it and share our passion... I have asked most of the makers of the pics posted on my page if I could use them. If I have not asked you, feel free to contact me. The FanFictions do not belong to me, they are the property of the authors and the characters they have created are theirs.